Joint Development Bank Visiting MyXaaS Innovation Centre in Cyberjaya

5 jd bank visit 17 april

Our first international customer, Joint Development Bank, holds a special place in our hearts as one of the most compassionate partners we have had the privilege of collaborating with.

Jeffrey Fok, our Managing Director of Finexus Asia, was thrilled to give them a tour of our state-of-the-art MyXaaS Innovation Centre at Finexus Towers in Cyberjaya during their previous visit before the pandemic.

We are proud to announce that even after 15 years, they continue to be highly valued customers, benefiting from our exceptional Shared Services Outsourcing for Card Issuance and Acquiring.

Their unwavering trust in our services has paved the way for us to expand our reach to nearly 20 customers throughout the Asia Pacific region.

In the preliminary stages, we deployed a team of our finest software engineers to Vientiane, Laos, to establish their system over the course of only one year. This endeavour demanded both intellectual prowess and physical stamina to endure the long hours, but witnessing its triumph made every moment worthwhile.
