Finexus Sharing AREMA e-Invoicing at PERKASA Event at Le Meridien Hotel PJ

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We had the privilege of opening a booth in an e-Invoice Implementation seminar organised by the Malaysian Senior Customs Officers Association (PERKASA) at Le Meridien Hotel Petaling Jaya. The event featured insightful presentations from various industry experts.

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Dr. Rasyidah, Director of Operation Policy Section at IRB, provided an overview of the mechanism and benefits of e-Invoicing implementation for taxpayers in Malaysia, highlighting the importance of adopting e-Invoicing to streamline processes and enhance efficiency in tax compliance.

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Tn Roslan, Deputy Director of Customs at RMCD HQ, offered perspectives from JKDM’s viewpoint. He discussed legislative provisions related to e-Invoicing, including Sales and Tourism Tax, Import and Export regulations, and customs-related matters outlined in LHDN’s e-Invoice guideline.

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Derek Wong, Senior Trainer & Consultant at KAC Advisory, contributed valuable insights on readiness for businesses adopting e-Invoicing. He covered topics such as the validation process through MyInvois Portal/API and the options available for real-time or consolidated validation of e-Invoices.

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We look forward to LHDN’s mandate coming this August as it is crucial for businesses to prepare and integrate these e-Invoicing strategies into their business operations.

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